好公式网(www.goodgongshi.com)告诉您:当前正要下载:自用主图公式详解 飞狐自用
ma1:=ma(((high + low) / 2),5);
ma2:=ma(((high + low) / 2),35);
x:=((ma1 - ma2) * 100);
均势一:=(((((((((close + ref(close,1))+ref(close,2))+ref(close,3))+ref(close,4)) + ref(close,5)) + ref(close,6)) + ref(close,7)) + ref(close,8)) / 9);
均势二:=((((close + ref(close,1)) + ref(close,2)) + ref(close,3)) / 4);
趋势一:=((((均势一 - ref(均势一,1)) / ref(均势一,1)) * 1000) + 50);
趋势二:=((((均势二 - ref(均势二,1)) / ref(均势二,1)) * 1000) + 50);
波段高位:=(cross(趋势一,趋势二) and (count((close > ref(high,1)),12) > 5));
升:ma((((high - low) * 0.618) + close),10);
上沿:ma((high * 1.124),60),linethick2,color0000ff;
下沿:ma((low * 0.88),60),linethick2,color808080;
方向值:=((sma(max((close - lc),0),6,1) / sma(abs((close - lc)),6,1)) * 100);
短抄一:=((cross(趋势二,(趋势一 + 2)) and (x < 0)) and ((方向值 < 10) or (ref(方向值,1) < 10)));
短抄二:=((((cross(趋势二,ma1) and (ma1 < 20)) and (方向值 > 趋势二)) and (x < 0)) and
(((趋势二 < 20) or (ref(趋势二,1) < 15)) or (ref(趋势二,2) < 15)));
stickline(close> ref(close,1) ,high,low,0,1 ),colorred;
stickline(close> ref(close,1) ,open,close,3,0 ),color000055;
stickline(close> ref(close,1) ,open,close,2.7,0 ),color000077;
stickline(close> ref(close,1) ,open,close,2.1,0 ),color000099;
stickline(close> ref(close,1) ,open,close,1.5,0 ),color0000bb;
stickline(close> ref(close,1) ,open,close,0.9,0 ),color0000dd;
stickline(close> ref(close,1) ,open,close,0.3,0 ),color0000ff;
stickline(close= ref(close,1) ,high,low,0,1 ),colorwhite;
stickline(close= ref(close,1) ,open,close,3,0 ),color555555;
stickline(close= ref(close,1) ,open,close,2.7,0 ),color777777;
stickline(close= ref(close,1) ,open,close,2.1,0 ),color999999;
stickline(close= ref(close,1) ,open,close,1.5,0 ),colorbbbbbb;
stickline(close= ref(close,1) ,open,close,0.9,0 ),colordddddd;
stickline(close= ref(close,1) ,open,close,0.3,0 ),colorffffff;
stickline(close< ref(close,1) ,high,low,0,1 ),;
stickline(close< ref(close,1) ,open,close,3,0 ),color990000;
stickline(close< ref(close,1) ,open,close,2.7,0 ),colorcc0000;
stickline(close< ref(close,1) ,open,close,2.1,0 ),colorff4400;
stickline(close< ref(close,1) ,open,close,1.5,0 ),colorff8800;
stickline(close< ref(close,1) ,open,close,0.9,0 ),colorffcc00;
stickline(close< ref(close,1) ,open,close,0.3,0 ),;
drawtext((短抄一 or 短抄二),(low * 0.99),'短波底'),color0000ff;
drawicon((短抄一 or 短抄二),(low * 0.97),1);
drawtext(波段高位,(high * 1.03),'卖出'),colorff0000;
drawicon(波段高位,(high * 1.06),2),colorff0000;

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