xd:=ma(c,5)>ma(c,20) or ma(c,5)=ma(c,20) or cross(ma(c,5),ma(c,20)); xg:=ma(c,10)>=ma(c,20) or ma(c,10)=ma(c,20) or cross(ma(c,10),ma(c,20)); xf:=ma(c,5)>ma(c,10) or ma(c,5)=ma(c,10) or cross(ma(c,5),ma(c,10)); xs:=ma(c,20)>ma(c,60) or ma(c,20)=ma(c,60) or cross(ma(c,20),ma(c,60)); xt:=ma(c,5)>ma(c,60) or ma(c,5)=ma(c,60) or cross(ma(c,5),ma(c,60)); xy:=ma(c,5)>ma(c,120) or ma(c,5)=ma(c,120) or cross(ma(c,5),ma(c,120)); xu:=ma(c,10)>ma(c,60) or ma(c,10)=ma(c,60) or cross(ma(c,10),ma(c,60)); xi:=ma(c,60)>ma(c,120) or ma(c,60)=ma(c,120) or cross(ma(c,60),ma(c,120)); xo:=ma(c,10)>ma(c,120) or ma(c,10)=ma(c,120) or cross(ma(c,10),ma(c,120)); xp:=ma(c,20)>ma(c,120) or ma(c,20)=ma(c,120) or cross(ma(c,20),ma(c,120)); mb:=c>ma(c,5) or c=ma(c,5) or cross(c,ma(c,5));bd:=xf and xd and xg; mc:=c>ma(c,60) or c=ma(c,60) or cross(c,ma(c,60));bf:=bd and xt and xy and xu and xo and xs and xp and xi;vr:=ema(ema(close,13),13);as:=(vr-ref(vr,1))/ref(vr,1)*1000; a10:=cross(as,0);ap:=if(a10,5,0);al:=if(as>ref(as,1) and as>0,as,0);ll:= close>ref(close,1)*1.038; va:=100*winner(close*0.95);aj:=va>50 and as>0;{好公式网-最好的股票公式网站 www.goodgongshi.com} ah:=if(as<ref(as,1) and as>0,as,0);mm:=ma(v,5);mx:=ma(v,35);gh:=hhv(max(c,0),30)/llv(min(c,o),30)<=1.15; mz:=ma(v,135);cm:=mm>mx or mm=mx or cross(mm,mx);cn:=mm>mz or mm=mz or cross(mm,mz); cb:=mx>mz or mx=mz or cross(mx,mz);cv:=cm and cn and cb;cc:= cn and cb; xg12:=xs or xp;xg1:=bd and (aj or al>7) and ah=0;xg2:=cv and (aj or al>3) and ah=0;xg3:=bf and (aj or al>2);xg4:=(bd and cv) and (aj or al>2) and ah=0; do:=(close-ref(close,1))/ref(close,1);dp:=do>0.04;dj:=do>0.049 and (aj or al>2); di:=do>0.08;xg5:=dp and(aj or al>3) and xg12 and cc;xg6:=do》2.5% and (ref(ap,1) or ref(ap,2)) and bd and (aj or al>1.3);xgg:=xd and xg and xt and xy and xu and xo; xgh:=xs and xp and xi and cc and aj and mc and ah=0;xg7:=xgg and xgh; xg9:=((xg1 or xg2 or xg3 or xg4 or xg5 or xg6 or xg7) and mb) or ((dj or di) and as>0); diff:=ema(close,12)-ema(close,26);dea:=ema(diff,9);macd:=2*(diff-dea); fa:=ref(macd,1)<ref(macd,2) and ref(macd,2)<ref(macd,3) and ref(macd,3)<ref(macd,4); fb:=macd>=0 and count(macd>ref(macd,1),1)=1;fc:=ema(c,30)>=ref(ema(c,30),1) and count(ema(c,5)>ema(c,10) and ema(c,10)>ema(c,30),1)=1; fd:=cross(c,ema(c,30)) or c>ema(c,30);fe:=fa and fb and fc and fd; ff:=fa and fb and fc and fd and abs((diff-dea)/c)<0.018; fg:=fa and fb and fc and fd and macd<0.10;rr:=(h-c)/c*100<1; rsv:=(close-llv(low,9))/(hhv(high,9)-llv(low,9))*100; k:=sma(rsv,3,1);d:=sma(k,3,1);oo:=cross(k,d) and ll and rr; 专抓牛股:xg9 and oo and ref(xg9,1)=0 and (fe or ff or fg);
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