强势线:=ma(c,25) + ((ma(c,25) * 20) / 100);
涨停:=if((((c - tc3) * 100) / tc3) >= (10 - ((0.03 * 100) / tc3)),1,0);
跌停:=if((((tc3 - c) * 100) / tc3) >= (10 - ((0.03 * 100) / tc3)),1,0);
var2:=close * vol;
var3:=ema(((((ema(var2,3) / ema(vol,3)) + (ema(var2,6) / ema(vol,6))) + (ema(var2,12) / ema(vol,12))) + (ema(var2,24) / ema(vol,24))) / 4,13);
上:=sma(high,21,2) * 1.05;
阻挡:=sma(high,21,2) * 1.05;
rsv:=((close - llv(low,13)) / (hhv(high,13) - llv(low,13))) * 100;
j:=(3 * k) - (2 * d);
rsv12:=((close - llv(low,34)) / (hhv(high,34) - llv(low,34))) * 100;
j12:=(3 * k12) - (2 * d12);
rsv24:=((close - llv(low,55)) / (hhv(high,55) - llv(low,55))) * 100;
j24:=(3 * k24) - (2 * d24);
df:=between(close / ref(close,1),1.0983,1.110);
z:=(o + h) / 2;
b1:=((ref(c,3) / ref(c,4)) > 1.09) and (ref(c,3) > ref(o,3));
b2:=(((h / ref(c,1)) >= 1.041) and (((o / ref(o,3)) < 1.05) or ((ref(o,1) / ref(o,3)) < 1.05))) and ((ref(c,3) / o) > 1.02);
xg2:=b1 and b2;
c1:=((ref(c,4) / ref(c,5)) > 1.09) and (ref(c,4) > ref(o,4));
c2:=(((h / ref(c,1)) >= 1.041) and (((o / ref(o,4)) < 1.05) or ((ref(o,1) / ref(o,4)) < 1.05))) and (o < ref(c,4));
c3:=(ref(c,4) / o) > 1.02;
xg3:=(c1 and c2) and c3;
d1:=((ref(c,5) / ref(c,6)) > 1.09) and (ref(c,5) > ref(o,5));
d2:=((h / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (between(o / ref(o,5),1.05,0.85));
xg4:=d1 and d2;
e1:=((ref(c,6) / ref(c,7)) > 1.09) and (ref(c,6) > ref(o,6));
e2:=((h / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (between(o / ref(o,6),1.05,0.85));
xg5:=e1 and e2;
f1:=((ref(c,7) / ref(c,8)) > 1.095) and (ref(c,7) > ref(o,7));
f2:=((h / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (between(o / ref(o,7),1.05,0.85));
xg6:=f1 and f2;
g1:=((ref(c,8) / ref(c,9)) > 1.095) and (ref(c,8) > ref(o,8));
g2:=((h / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (between(o / ref(o,8),1.05,0.85));
xg7:=g1 and g2;
h1:=((ref(c,9) / ref(c,10)) > 1.095) and (ref(c,9) > ref(o,9));
h2:=((c / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (between(o / ref(o,9),1.05,0.92));
h3:=((cross(c,ma(c,5)) and cross(c,ma(c,10))) and (ma(c,10) > ma(c,20))) and (ma(c,5) > ma(c,20));
xg8:=(h1 and h2) and h3;
j1:=((ref(c,10) / ref(c,11)) > 1.095) and (ref(c,10) > ref(o,10));
j2:=((c / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (between(o / ref(o,10),1.05,0.92));
j3:=((cross(c,ma(c,5)) and cross(c,ma(c,10))) and (ma(c,10) > ma(c,20))) and (ma(c,5) > ma(c,20));
xg9:=(j1 and j2) and j3;
l1:=((ref(c,11) / ref(c,12)) > 1.095) and (ref(c,11) > ref(o,11));
l2:=((c / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (between(o / ref(o,11),1.05,0.92));
l3:=((cross(c,ma(c,5)) and cross(c,ma(c,10))) and (ma(c,10) > ma(c,20))) and (ma(c,5) > ma(c,20));
xg10:=(l1 and l2) and l3;
m1:=(((ref(c,12) / ref(c,13)) > 1.095) and (ref(c,12) > ref(o,12))) and ((ref(c,13) / ref(c,14)) < 1.09);
m2:=((c / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (between(o / ref(o,12),1.05,0.92));
m3:=((cross(c,ma(c,5)) and cross(c,ma(c,10))) and (ma(c,10) > ma(c,20))) and (ma(c,5) > ma(c,20));
xg11:=(m1 and m2) and m3;
n1:=((ref(c,13) / ref(c,14)) > 1.095) and (ref(c,13) > ref(o,13));
n2:=((h / ref(c,1)) > 1.04) and (l < ref(c,13));
n3:=(cross(c,ma(c,5)) and (ma(c,5) > ma(c,20))) and (c > ma(c,20));
xg12:=(n1 and n2) and n3;
zhxg1:=(((((((((xg2 or xg3) or xg4) or xg5) or xg6) or xg7) or xg8) or xg9) or xg10) or xg11) or xg12;
ph1:=((ref(c,9) / ref(c,10)) > 1.095) and (ref(c,9) > ref(o,9));
ph2:=((h / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (l < ref(c,9));
ph3:=((cross(c,ma(c,5)) and cross(c,ma(c,10))) and (ma(c,10) > ma(c,20))) and (ma(c,5) > ma(c,20));
pxg8:=(ph1 and ph2) and ph3;
pj1:=((ref(c,10) / ref(c,11)) > 1.095) and (ref(c,10) > ref(o,10));
pj2:=((h / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (l < ref(c,10));
pj3:=((cross(c,ma(c,5)) and cross(c,ma(c,10))) and (ma(c,10) > ma(c,20))) and (ma(c,5) > ma(c,20));
pxg9:=(pj1 and pj2) and pj3;
pl1:=((ref(c,11) / ref(c,12)) > 1.095) and (ref(c,11) > ref(o,11));
pl2:=((h / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (l < ref(c,11));
pl3:=((cross(c,ma(c,5)) and cross(c,ma(c,10))) and (ma(c,10) > ma(c,20))) and (ma(c,5) > ma(c,20));
pxg10:=(pl1 and pl2) and pl3;
pm1:=(((ref(c,12) / ref(c,13)) > 1.095) and (ref(c,12) > ref(o,12))) and ((ref(c,13) / ref(c,14)) < 1.09);
pm2:=((h / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (l < ref(c,12));
pm3:=((cross(c,ma(c,5)) and cross(c,ma(c,10))) and (ma(c,10) > ma(c,20))) and (ma(c,5) > ma(c,20));
pxg11:=(pm1 and pm2) and pm3;
vxg:=(l < 压力位) and (c > 压力位);
上轨道:=ma(c,25) + ((ma(c,25) * 20) / 100);
zhxg2:=((((pxg8 or pxg9) or pxg10) or pxg11) and vxg) and cqsx;
pdm1:=(((c / ref(c,1)) > 1.07) and ((c / o) > 1.05)) and ((h / c) < (c / o));
pdm2:=((between(o / ref(h,1),1.01,1.08)) and ((c / ref(c,1)) > 1.041)) and ((ref(c,1) / ref(c,2)) < 1.04);
pdm3:=(((ma(c,5) > ma(c,10)) and (ma(c,10) > ma(c,20))) and (ma(c,10) > ma(c,30))) and (ma(c,30) > ma(c,60));
pdm4:=((ref(c,1) / ref(c,2)) < 1.09) and ((ref(c,2) / ref(c,3)) < 1.09);
pdxg:=((count(ref(pdm1,1),20) and pdm2) and pdm3) and pdm4;
yzb1:=((ref(c,3) / ref(c,4)) > 1.09) and (ref(c,3) = ref(o,3));
yzb2:=((h / ref(c,1)) >= 1.041) and (o < ref(c,3));
yzxg2:=yzb1 and yzb2;
yzc1:=((ref(c,4) / ref(c,5)) > 1.09) and (ref(c,4) = ref(o,4));
yzc2:=((h / ref(c,1)) >= 1.041) and (o < ref(c,4));
yzxg3:=yzc1 and yzc2;
yzzh:=yzxg2 or yzxg3;{好公式网-最好的股票公式网站 www.goodgongshi.com}
km1:=((((((((c / ref(c,1)) > 1.095) and (c = h)) and (o < ma(c,10))) and (c > ma(c,10))) and (o < ma(c,20))) and (c > ma (c,20))) and (o < ma(c,30))) and (c > ma(c,30));
dm1:=((((((((h / ref(c,1)) > 1.041) and (l < ma(c,5))) and (c > ma(c,5))) and (l < ma(c,10))) and (c > ma(c,10))) and (l < ma(c,20))) and (c > ma(c,20))) and (((l < ma(c,60)) and (c > ma(c,60))) or ((l < ma(c,120)) and (c > ma(c,120))));
kdxg:=count(ref(km1,3),12) and dm1;
gkb1:=((ref(c,3) / ref(c,4)) > 1.09) and (ref(c,3) > ref(o,3));
gkb2:=(((((((h / ref(c,1)) >= 1.041) and ((h / ref(c,1)) >= 1.031)) and (between(o / ref(o,3),1.06,0.92))) and (ref(v,1) < ref(v,2))) and ((ref(h,2) / max(ref(o,2),ref(c,2))) < 1.07)) and ((ma(c,20) / ma(c,30)) < 1.05)) and (ref(l,2) < ref(c,3));
gkxg1:=gkb1 and gkb2;
gkc1:=((ref(c,4) / ref(c,5)) > 1.09) and (ref(c,4) > ref(o,4));
gkc2:=(((h / ref(c,1)) >= 1.041) and ((c / ref(c,1)) >= 1.031)) and (between(o / ref(o,4),1.06,0.92));
gkc3:=((((((ref(v,1) < ref(v,2)) and (ref(v,2) < ref(v,3))) and ((ref(h,3) / max(ref(o,3),ref(c,3))) < 1.07)) and (h > ma (c,5))) and (c > ma(c,10))) and (c > ma(c,30))) and (ref(l,3) < ref(c,4));
gkxg2:=(gkc1 and gkc2) and gkc3;
gkxgxg:=gkxg1 or gkxg2;
二代双响:(((zhxg1 or zhxg2) or yzzh) or kdxg) or gkxgxg;
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