cc:=vol*100/capital; // 流通率
ave:=0.5*(open+close); // 均价
ma4:=ma(ave,4); // 4日移动平均线
tend:=(if( ma4> ref(ma4,1),1, -1));// 行情涨跌判别
upshadow:=(high- max(close,open)); // 上影线
downshadow:=(min(close,open) - low); // 下影线
amp:=high - low ; // 振幅
entity:=close - open ; // 实体(有正负)
jumpempty:=( if( low-ref(high,1)>0 , low-ref(high,1) , 0))+ (if(high-ref(low,1)<0,high-ref(low,1),0) ); // 跳空量
crosline:=(if(abs(entity)/amp < 0.05 ,1,0)) ;// 十字线判别
star:=(if( abs(entity/amp)<0.5 and ref(abs(entity),1)>abs(entity) and abs(ave-ref(ave,1))>=0.5*(abs(entity)+abs(ref(abs(entity),1))) ,1,0) ); // 星线判别
// 星线: star,coloryellow ;
preg:=(if(min(open,close)> ref(min(open,close),1) and max(open,close)< ref(max(open,close),1) ,abs(entity/ref(entity,1)),0) );// 孕线
// 风险
dang1:=(if(open>close,2,1))*(if(abs(entity)/amp < 0.34 and upshadow/amp < 0.05 and tend > 0,-1,0) ); // 吊线
// drawtext(dang1<0,dang1,'吊线'),linethick3;
// // drawtext(filter(dang1,2)=1,dang1,'锤吊线'),linethick3;
// // dang2:=(if((ref(entity,1) >0 or crosline = 1) and close< ref(open,1) and open > ref(close,1) and tend > 0 ,-1,0) );// 吞没 看跌抱线形态
dang2:=(if(ref(entity,1) >0 and close< ref(open,1) and open > ref(close,1) and tend > 0 ,-1,0) ); // 吞没 看跌抱线形态
// drawtext(dang2= -1,dang2,'吞没'),color00ff00,linethick3;
dang3:= if ( ref( entity/amp,1)> 0.6 and open>ref( high,1) and 0.6* ref(open+close,1)>=close and tend > 0,-1,0); // 乌云盖顶
dang4:=if(ref(entity,2)>0 and ref(star,1) and ref(ave,1)>ref(close,2) and close<ref(close,2) and entity<0,-1,0); // 黄昏星
dang5:=if(min(open,close)>ref(max(open,close),1) and abs(entity)/amp < 0.34 and downshadow/upshadow<0.2 and tend > 0,-1,0); // 流星
// 机会//
chan1:=(if(open<close,2,1))*(if(abs(entity)/amp < 0.34 and upshadow/amp < 0.05 and tend < 0,1,0) ); // 锤线
// drawtext(chan1>0,chan1,'锤线'),linethick3;
chan2:=(if(ref(entity,1) < 0 and close> ref(open,1) and open < ref(close,1) and tend < 0 ,1,0) ); // 吞没 看涨抱线形态
// drawtext(chan2= 1,chan2,'吞没'),color0000ff ,linethick3;
chan3:=if ( ref( entity/amp,1)< -0.6 and open<ref( low,1) and 0.5* ref(open+close,1)<=close ,1,0); // 刺透
chan4:=if(ref(entity,2)<0 and ref(star,1) and ref(ave,1)<ref(close,2) and close>ref(close,2) and entity>0,1,0); // 启明星
chan5:=if(max(open,close)<ref(min(open,close),1) and abs(entity)/amp < 0.34 and downshadow/upshadow<0.2 ,1,0); // 倒锤子(依赖验证)
chan6:=if(ref(chan5,1) and open>ref(max(open,close),1) and tend < 0,1,0); // 倒锤子
// 警报
warn1:=(if(preg<=0.2,4,1/preg-1))*(if(ref(entity,1)*(entity)<=0 and preg ,1,0) ); // 孕线
warn2:=(if(tend >0 and abs(high-ref(high,1))<0.05*(hhv(high,2)-llv(low,2)) ,1,0)) ; // 平头顶部
warn3:=(if(tend <0 and abs(low-ref(low,1))<0.05*(hhv(high,2)-llv(low,2)) ,1,0)) ; // 平头底部
warn4:=if( jumpempty = 0,0,1 ); // 跳空判断
// 看跌
吊线: dang1,colorgreen;
看跌吞没: dang2,colorgreen;
乌云盖顶: dang3,colorgreen;
黄昏星: dang4,colorgreen;
流星: dang5,colorgreen;
// 看涨
垂线: chan1,colorred;
看涨吞没:chan2, colorred;
刺透: chan3,colorred;
启明星: chan4,colorred;
倒锤子: chan6,colorred;
// 警报
stickline(warn1,warn1,reverse(warn1),2,0),coloryellow;// 孕线: warn1,coloryellow;
stickline(warn2,0,reverse(warn2),2,0),colorgreen;// 平头顶部
stickline(warn3,warn3,0,2,0),colorred;// 平头底部
stickline(warn4,warn4,reverse(warn4),2,0),colorred;// 跳空警报: warn4,colorred;
drawtext(warn4*jumpempty >0,warn4,'上跳'),colorred,linethick3;
drawtext(warn4*jumpempty <0,warn4,'下跳'),colorred,linethick3;
// -- --/
// qjj:=(vol / (((high - low) * 2) - abs((close - open))));
// xvl:=(if((close > open),(qjj * (high - low)),
// if((close < open),(qjj * ((high - open) + (close - low))),
// (vol / 2))) + if((close > open),(0 - (qjj * ((high - close) + (open - low)))),
// if((close < open),(0 - (qjj * (high - low))),(0 - (vol / 2)))));
// typ:=((xvl / 100) / 1.15);
// 买线:ema(c,90),color00ffff,linethick1;
// 趋线:ma(typ,15),color00ff00,linethick1;
// 底线:-10000,colorlired;
// stickline(趋线>买线,趋线,0,2,0),colorgray;
// 副线:ma(趋线,8),colorcd7f32 ,linethick1;
// 关注线:(买线+底线)/2,colorcd7f32 ,linethick1;
// var1:=cross(趋线,副线) and 趋线<0;
// drawtext(filter(var1,10)=1,-1000,'小买'),linethick3;
// var2:=cross(趋线,买线);
// drawtext(filter(var2,10)=1,5000,'买进'),color00ffff,linethick3;
// var3:=cross(趋线,底线);
// drawtext(filter(var3,10)=1,-8000,'关注'),colorred,linethick3;
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